aston | Enfogen We build brands and generate leads Sat, 11 Mar 2023 09:42:45 +0000 en-US hourly 1 aston | Enfogen 32 32 216178304 LinkedIn Lead Generation Automation Fri, 17 Feb 2023 15:36:00 +0000


LinkedIn Lead Generation Automation

You can automate your LinkedIn activity and create new leads for your business with the use of LinkedIn automation tools. It enables you to schedule messages, track your responses, and import your contacts into a system. It also assists in expanding your network within your sector. Additionally, you can distribute your information to others you believe will find it intriguing. Isn’t that great?

Enfogen comes to your rescue for streamlining your processes. To find out more about how we can assist you in expanding your business, contact our team right away.

Imagine that you are managing a business and require as much time as possible to do so. As a business owner, you are aware that time is not on your side.

In actuality, your problem is not just with time but also with resources.

Simply put, you lack the resources to contact each lead individually. Can you picture having to write up hundreds of connection requests by hand, entering each person’s name one at a time, creating a personalized greeting, obtaining their contact information, and then sending it all off? This would eat up far too much time. With LinkedIn messaging automation, Enfogen assists you in saving time and money while generating leads, connecting with industry experts, and reaching your target audience.



To improve your leads, increase sales, and increase conversions, we’ve created the most potent tools currently on the market. We provide:

LinkedIn Outreach

Utilizing Invite to connect with Boost mode, customised Messages, and InMails, send 500+ connection requests every week. To boost your response rate, merge them with View & Follow features.

Cloud-based Technology

You will receive a unique IP address from us. Use any browser to safely log in and administer your campaigns. Under a single user account, connect various LinkedIn profiles.

Make the ideal drip campaign for you.

For your first, second, or third degree links, create sequences. Include Messages, InMails, and Invites to Connect that are highly personalized. Add whichever many steps you like. Set intervals of time between them. Watch leads come to you as you relax.

You can count on Enfogen to tailor your communications

Incorporate placeholders in your mails to make them stand out in the inbox of your prospect.

Use the name, job title, company name, college name, and more of your lead. Make your own placeholders to finally make your outreach more distinctive.

Enhance your messages with hyper-personalized Images & GIFs.

Intelligent reply detection & lead return to the campaign

The chain of events comes to an end when the prospect reacts to your communication. Until you receive the desired response, manually continue the conversation or add the prospect back to the campaign.

Instantaneous insights

Utilize our thorough analytics to monitor the success of your campaign.

  • reporting on all of your LinkedIn account’s significant activity.
  • A thorough analysis of the initiatives that are producing the best outcomes.
  • Dashboard view of the effectiveness of each campaign.

Competent Inbox & Light CRM

Our Smart Inbox’s direct integration with LinkedIn and email enables you to:

  • Use one channel to communicate with your prospects.
  • Make personalised labels, monitor your leads, and concentrate on the most promising ones.
  • For each lead, make explicit notes so you won’t forget anything from the conversation.
  • Save your reply templates for quick and simple replication.

Make a campaign that addresses your needs.

Choose how to target your leads by connecting your LinkedIn Premium, Recruiter Account or Sales Navigator.

  • Search results from LinkedIn, Recruiter or Sales Navigator.
  • Individuals who responded to a particular LinkedIn post.
  • Leads list for Sales Navigator.
  • Database of your prospects in CSV format.

Limitations and working hours

Decide on a time frame for the sequences that your account will be executing. Anytime, edit restrictions.

Connect your account to any other program.

Using Zapier, Integromat, or a specially created webhook, you may quickly connect to other applications and transfer data about your prospects to them.

We’re committed to supporting your business growth and success by helping you scale it.


Our Case Studies

We have a lot of case studies, and we are presenting some best of them which fueled the businesses of our reputed clients.

You can check out our case studies to know much more about our work methodology. Simply fill in the form below and click on the Download Case Studies button to receive a copy.

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What are lead generation services?

Lead generation services are designed to help you attract the attention of people who need your products or services. We help you build the most effective marketing strategies to ensure you’re attracting the people who are most likely to convert into customers.

What are the benefits of lead generation?

Lead generation can help you expand your market, grow your following, and boost your revenue. It can also improve the quality of your leads and build visibility and awareness for your brand. With the right lead generation services, you can automate your lead generation and reduce or eliminate cold calling.

Why lead generation is key for business growth?

Your business needs to successfully attract new customers and generate more sales. Through lead generation, you will receive a steady flow of high-quality leads that are more likely to convert into sales. Without lead generation, your business will likely struggle to connect with the people who need your products or services most.

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LinkedIn B2B Lead Generation Fri, 17 Feb 2023 14:37:39 +0000


LinkedIn B2B Lead Generation

Enfogen B2B lead generation is a whole process where we identify the ideal customers for your LinkedIn product or service. Then we attract them to buy it. It is a very essential activity for B2B sales and marketing teams. In the process of marketing, B2B lead generation is fundamental to the success of a business. There are several factors that are important for B2B leads marketing.

At Enfogen, B2B lead generation means identification of potential customers for the business. These are the customers who would find value from using your product or service. Enfogen believes in seriously working upon these potential customers.

Marketing-qualified lead (MQLs) popularly called targeted lead are likely to become a paying customer. Certain engagements like repeatedly visiting a page on the company website, filling out some form/forms on the company website, downloading some content produced by the company or signing up to attend the company’s events or webinars are some of the qualifications that are deemed very likely to become a paying customer.

The Marketing-Qualified leads that have progressed along the lead generation funnel and are deemed to become ready for engagement with the sales team are known as Sales-Qualified Leads. Their intent is expressed in several ways- during a telephonic conversation with the members of sales team, indicating interest in email or via LinkedIn message, if they request additional information about company or offering and by asking a demo of your product or service. In this manner, B2B lead generation is effectively managed by sales and marketing professionals of Enfogen.

The sales team further works in two groups- one is through Sales Development Representatives (SDRs), responsible for engaging and booking meetings and Business Development Managers (BDMs) responsible for conducting demos, closing deals and generating revenue. This approach has several benefits. It helps to create focus on one responsibility helping the team to become experts in their roles.

B2B lead generation is conducted through a variety of sales and marketing activities. Some of them are- Cold calling, when calls are made to B2B leads. This explains the benefits of their product or service. It also helps qualify the lead for future engagement. Cold calling is sometimes done manually or through automated technology. Then there are Outbound email that are managed through email automation platforms. Social platforms like LinkedIn is a major platform. The sales team usually looks for a combination of these techniques.

Demand generation is the process of B2B lead generation. There are several ways in which these marketers leverage to generate leads and demand. Growth hacking is when the growth hackers deploy unusual, unorthodox techniques to create demand and grow their business quickly. Some ways are through incentives, contests and free tools. Content marketing where marketers publish relevant, valuable content and promote them to their target audiences in the forms of blogs, videos, etc.

With the goal of making a B2B marketing funnel, Enfogen attracts new leads to the business and/or tries to steer the existing leads towards making a purchasing decision.


Our Case Studies

We have a lot of case studies, and we are presenting some best of them which fueled the businesses of our reputed clients.

You can check out our case studies to know much more about our work methodology. Simply fill in the form below and click on the Download Case Studies button to receive a copy.

13 + 6 =

Everything you need to know about Sales Navigator

Everything you need to know about Sales Navigator

BLOG Everything you need to know about Sales Navigator Sales Navigator is LinkedIn’s star product for sales people, managers and leaders to strategize their sales reach by taking complete advantage of LinkedIn’s extensive data, insights, and relationship-building...

read more


What are lead generation services?

Lead generation services are designed to help you attract the attention of people who need your products or services. We help you build the most effective marketing strategies to ensure you’re attracting the people who are most likely to convert into customers.

What are the benefits of lead generation?

Lead generation can help you expand your market, grow your following, and boost your revenue. It can also improve the quality of your leads and build visibility and awareness for your brand. With the right lead generation services, you can automate your lead generation and reduce or eliminate cold calling.

Why lead generation is key for business growth?

Your business needs to successfully attract new customers and generate more sales. Through lead generation, you will receive a steady flow of high-quality leads that are more likely to convert into sales. Without lead generation, your business will likely struggle to connect with the people who need your products or services most.

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